From an editorial in the Washington Examiner, consider this:
"Remember the Enron scandal in 2001, which drove a bipartisan majority in Congress to demand far-reaching reforms in corporate accounting? Democrats have discovered this week that maybe they can't handle the truth -- at least not when it exposes the real economic effect of Obamacare on private sector companies large and small. Thousands of employees, their families and retirees get their health insurance coverage through firms that are now having to figure out how to cope with government-run health care..."
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
And then there is this story from Byron York in Beltway Confidential:
A Washington Post poll goes inside the numbers and discovers this, according to Byron York's article: "Inside the numbers, Independents' oppostion to Obamacare is bad news for Dems"
"...The Post’s polling director, Jon Cohen, graciously gave me the partisan breakdowns of the poll’s health care questions. And they show this: Republicans hate the new law. Democrats love it, but not as much as Republicans hate it. And independents really, really don’t like it...".
Cartoon credit: Pixie Dust.