Sunday, November 6, 2011

Federated Republican Women of Lafayette County hold annual candidate dinner

A large group of Federated Republican Women, their spouses, guests and candidates enjoyed a carry-in dinner on Oct. 27th at the Napoleon City Hall and Community Center in Napoleon.

Prospective candidates who attended included:

Rep. Mike McGhee, who has announced for Missouri Senate (district TBA after redistricting is decided by a Missouri Appeals Court).
Rep. Bob Nance, who also has announced for Missouri Senate (district TBA after redistricting is decided by a Missouri Appeals Court).
Glen Kolkmeyer, who will be running for the Missouri House of Representatives (district TBA after redistricting is decided by a Missouri Appeals Court).
Rep. Jerry Nolte who has announced for the 5th U.S. Congressional District.
Jason Greene of Raytown who has announced for the 5th U.S. Congressional District.
Rachael Hassani, a representative for U.S. Congressman Todd Akin who is running for U.S. Senate.
Amanda Roller, a representative for Bill Randles who is running for governor.