Sunday, February 12, 2012

Harley Amos Todd of rural Wellington-Napoleon area announces bid for Lafayette County Assessor

Amos Todd, who lives in the rural Wellington-Napoleon area, has announced he will run as a Republican candidate for the office of Lafayette County Assessor.

Amos graduated from Wellington-Napoleon R-9 in 1994 and went on to earn his Bachelor of Arts Degree from William Jewell College in 1999. For the past 12 years he has worked in the Real Estate and Finance industries. He has owned and operated a small business and is currently working as a Real Estate agent.
Amos stated, "As a real estate agent I have hands on experience estimating residential, commercial and land values. I have a strong work ethic and believe firmly in honesty and integrity. I feel that the combination of my work experience and my personal beliefs have given me the necessary qualifications to perform the duties of Lafayette County Assessor to the fullest."

Amos, his wife, Rheanna, and their son live on a family farm they recently purchased from his grandparents. In addition to share cropping a portion of the land, they run livestock and operate a roadside produce stand on the farm.

For more information about his campaign check here often.

Find him on Facebook: Friends to Elect Harley Amos Todd