Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Video about Massachusetts Senate race that could affect the entire country: "It's Not Kennedy's Seat; It's the People's Seat!"

Will Republican Scott Brown win Kennedy's old seat in the U.S. Senate? Click on Scott Brown's name that is hyperlinked to read a Boston Globe story for election details. Jeff Jacoby writes: “It’s not the ‘Kennedy Seat,’ ’’ Brown has been reminding Coakley lately. “It’s the people’s seat.’’ Amazing thing is, he could be right.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

41st Senate Vote Could Happen in MA Special Election

Video: Freezin For a Reason--the 41st Vote in the U.S. Senate

Open Letter from Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder to Governor Jay Nixon

Dear Governor Nixon:

A federal healthcare takeover and mandate thrust upon us by President Obama, Senator Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi is on the brink of being passed into law despite the overwhelming public outcry opposing their efforts. The legislation is convoluted and full of provisions that will raise the cost of living for most everyone in our state. Up to this point you have chosen to remain silent on whether you support the efforts of your fellow Democrats in Congress.

Despite your silence Governors in other states sounded the alarm that this legislation will bankrupt their states. Even fellow Democrat Governor Bredesen of our neighbor state Tennessee called this legislation the “mother of all unfunded mandates” and opposed the legislation. Missouri’s share of the cost of an expanded Medicaid program would be as high as $450 million per year. The Medicaid program already requires more than $100 million per year in new funding for natural caseload growth.

Some argue this federal takeover is an infringement on state rights and unconstitutional. Regardless of this issue, unless you cut funding to education, Missouri simply does not have the money to afford President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi’s social experiment. Governor, you know the legislation being forced through by your Democrat Party will bankrupt the state of Missouri and yet you say nothing. The time has come for you to take a side on this issue.

Will you stand with me and speak out against the tax increases, healthcare takeover and mandates being proposed by the federal government? Or will you abdicate your position to the powers of your fellow Democrats President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Missouri deserves an answer.


Peter Kinder

Americans For Conservative Training First Annual Trivia Bowl

Americans for Conservative Training
Friday, Jan. 22
First Annual Trivia Bowl
Location: O'Dowd's at Zona Rosa
MC will be Jack Cashill. Tickets are $25, and must be purchased in advance - Free appetizers and a cash bar will be available. Raffle tickets for great prizes will be available. RSVP today! Purchase your tickets here: acttrivia.eventbrite.com/
Info Deb Wells 816-878-7453.

Book Club to discuss "Going Rogue"

Eastern Jackson County Conservative Book Club will meet at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, Jan. 27th at the home of Bev Worth.
Date is rescheduled from earlier emails.

Jan 27th meeting will feature a report on Sarah Palin's book Going Rogue presented by Helen Rosgay. Each month we will have a different book reviewed by a different presenter. Come join this group at Bev's home at 6320 Woodstock Drive Lee's Summit. For directions, more info about this book club and RSVP, call Bev at 795-0516 or email at 6320worth@sbcglobal.net.

Kansas City Young Republicans & Friends
Thursday, January 28th
Regular meeting place: The Levee, 43rd and Main Streets, 6:30 pm
Guests welcome. Contact for more information: kansascityyr@gmail.com

Featured speaker: Jack Cashill. Jack is an independent writer and producer and, on a contractual basis, the Executive Editor of Ingram’s Magazine, Kansas City’s premier business magazine.

In addition to his work with Ingram’s, Jack has written for Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Weekly Standard, and regularly for WorldNetDaily. He has had one collection of essays published—Snake Handling in Mid-America and one novel—2006: The Chautauqua Rising.
Within the last five years Jack has written five books of non-fiction — First Strike, Ron Brown’s Body, Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture, Sucker Punch: The Left Hook that Dazed Ali and Killed King's Dream and his latest, What's the Matter with California. Three of them have cracked Amazon’s top ten list. Jack has produced at least a dozen documentaries for regional PBS and national cable channels, including the Emmy Award-winning, The Royal Years.
Jack has also produced an audio book, Understanding America: the great speeches, sermons, documents and narratives of the American experience.
In addition, Jack hosted daily talk radio shows for five years—four of those with KMBZ, Kansas City’s foremost AM station, and one year with Catholic Family Radio’s national network. Jack has a Ph.D. from Purdue University in American studies, has taught media and literature at Purdue and at Kansas City area universities, and served as a Fulbright professor in France.
Jack's latest book, What's the Matter with California (Simon & Schuster), came out in paperback in August 2008.

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