Wednesday, October 2, 2013

5th Congressional District Federated Republican Women Elect New Officers

The new officer's elected for the 5th Congressional District Federated Republican Women for  2013-2014 and the clubs they represent:

The Fifth Congressional District Federated Republican Women held their annual meeting at Monetti's A Taste Of Italy Restaurant in Lee's Summit. Owner, Giuliano Monetti was the speaker, and shared his story of the challenges of being a small business owner. 

New officers elected are:

President, Ruth Pirch (High Noon Club) 
1st VP, Marilyn Etzenhauser (Republican Women of Greater Kansas City Club) 
2nd VP, Doris Strickler (Federated Republican Women of Lafayette County Club) 
Secretary, Jamie Landes (KC Metro Club) 
Treasurer, Judy Egloff (First Ward Club). 

The Fifth CD is comprised of clubs from Jackson, Ray, Lafayette and Saline Counties.